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Scattery Island

St Senan's Church / Teampall Senain

A short distance to the north of the round tower, on slightly higher ground, stands Teampaill Senan and St Senans Bed. From a distance the church appears to be a later than the main group of buildings that make up the monastic settlement. But this is because the church has been re-modeled on a few occasions. The nave and chancel church is 10.66 metres long in total. The nave is 7.3 metres long and 5.15 metres wide. The chancel is only 3.32 metres in width. The south wall of the nave has buttressing at each end and an arched door has been added at a later stage. The east gable of the chancel pictured right, features an original window.

East gable

South door and window

Added buttressing

From the south, with St Senan's bed to the west.

Situated: On Scattery Island. Boats sail to the Island from Kilrush Marina during the summer period.

Discovery Map 63: Q 9722 5265. Last visit July 2014.

Longitude: 9° 31' 3" W

Latitude: 52° 36' 56" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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